About my Original artwork

Artist's statement
‘My work is defined by the nature, colour, landscape and light of my surroundings in Orkney, which I love’ 

Initially after returning from Art college in London in 1985 I concentrated on mainly painting with watercolours and often along with an ink drawing. One of my favourite techiques was 'wet on wet' where you wet the stretched watercolour paper with a damp sponge and drop the watercolours into the wet paper. It has to be the exact right amount of water to paint to work which can be tricky! but beautiful for our Orkney skies. As I grew more confident I started using more colour and sometimes adding acrylic paint over the watercolour and going back in with the ink. These days I quite often draw my subject with ink using a sharpened twig! and I will layer up a painting adding in collage, oil crayons and other materials to hand. One of my favourite brushes these days is the end of a bit of old rope, it gives me a really nice texture on a painting. I also have boxes of saved old papers that I have previously painted, old books, maps and magazines and this last year I have been printing on to tissue paper using the 'geli' printing technique. I am always learning new things and I love to study what other artists do! 

Many of the original paintings on this site can be seen at my sister Judith Glue shop, 25 Broad st, Kirkwall, Orkney where I also sell a range of my gifts. You can also make an appointment to visit my studio to view original work, if you would like to do this, please e mail me first at jane@janeglue.com to arrange a time.

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